Casey Dubler Blog

Casey Dubler Blog
Dream Big Dreams Small Ones Have No Magic!

Friday, April 3, 2015

Former NFL Player Pays It Forward With Vemma

Raves about Vemma’s new Bod•ē Build

Shawne “Lights Out” Merriman spent eight years accumulating accolades and awards as a defensive lineman in the NFL.
Three-time all pro.
Three-time Pro Bowl-er.
Defensive Rookie of the Year.
His performance not only attracted the attention of the league, but also major nutritional sponsors who clamored to get his attention. One of the highest endorsed defensive players at the time, Shawne had every nutritional option imaginable available to him.
shawne workout“When you’re a big-name player, you get all kinds of things. Every day when I walked into the locker room, there were boxes stacked everywhere in front of my locker with so many free products promising all kinds of things,” recalls Shawne.“‘Take this and you’ll have 15 sacks next week.’ It was just bogus.”
It was a chance meeting with now Star Royal Ambassador Brad Alkazin while he was with the San Diego Chargers that connected Shawne to the perfect product and the perfect opportunity.
“I never worked out just for football. I worked out because it was a lifestyle,” explains Shawne. “I believe in taking care of your body because then it will take care of you.”
He adds, “I’m super busy and I don’t have time to pop 10 vitamins a day; it’s a job on its own to live like that. Vemma promotes a healthy lifestyle and it’s a regimen with all the vitamins and nutrients you need in one bottle.”
Now out of the NFL and pursuing his own business ventures including TV broadcasting, Shawne is still working out as hard as ever. He credits Vemma and its newest product, Bod•ē® Build, for helping him maintain his physique.
“You have what you need in Build. It’s all right there in the can,” explains Shawne. “You don’t have to bring an open canister in your luggage and find it all over your clothes. I take this when I’m done working out and it tastes amazing.”
He’s also used the products to drop extra weight and get lean, resulting in a 28-pound weight loss.*
While Shawne has always considered himself an entrepreneur, he’s grateful for the opportunity to pursue residual income with Vemma while helping others.
“I’m a workout freak so I always tell people about Vemma and what it’s doing for me,” explains Shawne. “I ask people ‘how great do you feel getting out of bed in the morning? How’s your energy during the day?’ That’s more important than anything else.”
Because of his passion for his Vemma business, the Star Platinum has seen dozens of lives changed thanks to the extra income they earn with their own Vemma businesses.**
“I want to help people make an extra $500 or $1,000 a month to help pay their rent or do something for their kids’ school,” shares Shawne.**“That’s what this is all about; those are the stories that hit home for me.”
shawne merriman insta
*Two pilot studies conducted by Vemma showed that 55 participants who followed the Vemma Bod•ē Transformation Plan lost an average of 14.8 pounds in 12 weeks. Vemma recommends a healthy approach to weight loss by consulting with your healthcare provider before starting any new exercise or diet plan. The Vemma Bod•ē Transformation Plan includes following a healthy diet and daily exercise. These testimonials are from Vemma Affiliates who have the opportunity to earn commissions by selling Vemma products.
**Your success is dependent on your efforts and leadership abilities. The Company has generally expected results which can be obtained by visiting the Opportunity section of

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